Durant’s Alicia Farley – Teacher Spotlight – Presented by Simmons Bank

Alicia Farley’s journey as an educator is rooted deeply in a lifelong love of literature and the influential role her family played in nurturing this passion. “Mom made sure I was surrounded by books; we visited the library and bookstores. I was bathed in language. Education is ingrained into my being,” she said. This early immersion in the world of words set the stage for a career dedicated to inspiring students in the same way she was inspired as a child.

Alicia teaches juniors and sophomores at Durant High School, focusing on Advanced Placement Language and Composition and English II. With twenty years of teaching experience at Durant, she has become a cornerstone of the school’s academic community. 

Her path to becoming an educator was not always clear-cut. “I despised attending elementary school because I wanted to read novels and play outside. I enjoyed history and science but could not quite grasp why I needed math.” It was during high school that she met Marla St. John, a teacher who profoundly impacted her understanding of English. “Marla introduced me to deciphering the author’s purpose, making historical connections and identifying figurative language. I had always viewed school separately from reading, but Marla connected my love of literature to English class.”

Alicia’s teaching philosophy is deeply influenced by her parents and the guidance she received as a child. “To this day, Dad still tells the best stories. The words spin around as he weaves the mood and draws you into the past. Literature has been a living, breathing entity in my life as long as I can remember.” This passion for narrative and connection is something she strives to bring to her students every day.

At Durant High School, Alicia’s commitment to her students goes beyond the curriculum. She aims to provide the same direction and inspiration that she once received, helping her students navigate their educational journeys and discover their own passions. “The guidance I received as a child is what I aim to provide to my students.”

When she isn’t teaching Alicia Farley enjoys spending time with her husband, Jack, daughter, Paige, and attending her extended family’s sporting events.