Ada’s Zoey Brown – Tennis Spotlight – Presented by Oklahoma Complete Health

Having two older brothers that played tennis destined Ada junior Zoey Brown to be a tennis player as well.

“I started playing when I was around 12 and my older brother Wyatt is really one of my main role models. When I play, I think about how he plays and how aggressive he is and that’s a big motivator for me,” said Zoey.

Zoey plays #1 doubles for the Cougars and has been to the state tennis tournament twice so far, finishing fourth both times.

“Going to state is always fun but it’s a time that I really have to get my head space right, “said Brown.

“Zoey is our energizer bunny,” said coach Terry Swopes. “She plays every point of every match as hard as she can with an incredible work ethic on and off the court.”

Those comments might give you a hint on how Zoey describes herself.

“I consider myself bubbly, energetic and spirited and I think having high energy is the most important quality for me because having positive energy everyday helps me set a high standard for myself so I can take on any task.”

Outside of tennis Zoey has a full slate of other activities that keep her busy including student council, FCA, FCCLA, Book Club, World Travelers Club, Art Club and National Honor Society. She thinks back to last spring to recall a tennis highlight at Ada.

“I think a highlight for me is the last match I played in at state last year. We were up against Carl Albert for third and fourth place and I put everything I had into it and worked my hardest and it really tested me.”

The tennis program at Ada is one of prestige with the girls having won 10 state titles over the years and Zoey feels they’re on the right track again this year.

“We’ve won most of our tournaments so far even though we’ve had to replace a key senior we lost last year so I think we’ll be all right.”