Ada’s Dominique ‘Aby’ Gutierrez – Track Spotlight – Presented by First United Bank of Ada

She’s known to her friends as Aby, but Ada senior Dominique Gutierrez is someone that exemplifies the word “teammate” to those on the Cougar track team where Aby throws the shotput and discus.

“I get up every day anxious to see the people who I love and value that motivate and push me to be the best I can be,” said Gutierrez. “My peers and coaches always push me to do my best. My coaches always push my limits because they know I can accomplish big things in my life and my peers always influence me to have a good day and make me laugh and have a good time.”

Besides her coaches, Aby notes a couple of teachers that have had a big impact on her life.

“Jinger McClure and Sharon Phillips are probably two of the teachers that had the most influence on me. Ms. McClure is always someone I can talk to when I need to talk and motivates me to continue on a good path by giving me advice. Ms. Phillips is also another person I can talk to that also gives me advice and motivates me,” said Gutierrez who is a member of the Math Club and the National Technical Honor Society.

In the area of track competition, Aby has a couple of teammates that she enjoys working against in practice while relishing the opportunity to compete for her school.

“The Dotson twins are the people I enjoy going against the most. They are always good competition in practice and are honest about what needs to be fixed in your technique but they’re also people that you can laugh with and have a good time. It’s an honor to throw for my school knowing I could be someone to be looked up to for advice.”

As she has progressed through the years at Ada High, Aby says she has enjoyed continuing to set new PRs each year while getting to spend time with her teammates. Following graduation, Aby plans to attend OSU and study pre-med or nursing so she can leave an impact on her community and the world.