Ada’s Deante Lindsay – Football Spotlight – Presented by Ada Smile Place

Deante Lindsay’s journey in football started in the first grade, driven by a simple desire to play like everyone else. “I got started in football when I was in first grade. Wasn’t any specific reason; I just wanted to play like everyone else.” Growing up, Deante found inspiration in his father. “What inspired me to play football was my dad. He played when he was younger, so that’s what really started me off. He’s helped me along the way.”

As a senior at Ada High School, Deante has witnessed significant improvements in team dynamics. “Our chemistry is better than it’s ever been since I’ve been in high school at Ada, especially with our new coaching staff.” His role on the team extends beyond his physical contributions on the field. “My role is to lead by example and hold my teammates accountable. Doesn’t take much for me to get ready because if you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready.”

Looking ahead, Deante sees a bright future in coming years. “I see myself with a college degree and either playing in the NFL or preparing for the combine.” He values the support from the community, which plays a crucial role in the team’s success. “Community support is just as important as everything else. They help hype you up and help us out with a lot of other things that benefit the team.”

To younger players, Deante offers this advice: “Stick with it and don’t quit. You go through high school once; make it the best you can.” Off the field, he enjoys fishing, playing volleyball, welding, and ranch work.

Deante’s gratitude extends to many individuals who have supported him throughout his journey. “I would like to thank God. He put me in this position. My dad and sister for always being there. Mrs. Sewell, my second mom, always helping me with schoolwork and other problems. Coach Wade Boyles for being there in my football career since seventh grade, coach Colby Shamley for building the player I am and my strength coach Brandon for making me big and strong.”

As he prepares for the next chapter, Deante is excited about his future in college football. “I will be playing football in college. I have not made a decision on where yet.”