Ada’s Brock Boyles – Football Q&A
VYPE: Can you tell us a little about yourself and how you got started in football?
Brock Boyles: I am a junior at Ada High school. I am involved in three sports: football, baseball and basketball. I have grown up around football my whole life. My dad has been a coach and ever since I have been able to walk, I was running around the field house and throwing a football. That is where it all started.
VYPE: What inspired you to play football, and who are your biggest influences?
BB: It inspired me to play, just being around it and wanting to be like all the kids my dad
coached and wanting to be coached by my dad. That has been a cool experience.
He is one of my biggest influences.
VYPE: How would you describe the team’s chemistry this season?
BB: I would say it is the best team chemistry I have ever seen with a team. Every kid on the team gets along and we are like family. I know that no matter what happens, we will always be there for each other.
VYPE: What is your specific role on the team, and how do you prepare for it?
BB: I am the quarterback and I prepare every week by watching film nonstop and in
practice work on my reads and foot work trying to be better for the next game and
whatever it may throw at us.
VYPE: How important is community support to the team, and in what ways does itimpact your performance?
BB: Having a community behind you when playing is awesome. When you are dying or in
the grit of the game and hearing a community come in behind you and get loud, it is everything and it makes you feel like you can’t let down this town.
VYPE: How do you spend your time during the off-season?
BB: In the offseason, I play baseball and basketball.
VYPE: Is there anyone you’d like to thank for supporting you throughout your
BB: I would like to thank my parents for always supporting me in everything I do and
pushing me to be my best.
VYPE: What are your plans after graduating from high school?
BB: After high school, I plan to go to college and hopefully have an offer to play baseball or
football at the next level.