Wright City’s Raynie Tom – Softball Spotlight – Presented by Pine Cellular

By Jackson Moody

Senior Raynie Tom of Wright City High School is a model leader both on and off the softball field.  From her early days inspired by family to overcoming personal challenges, Raynie’s journey is a testament to dedication and resilience.

“I grew up around the ball field, whether it was my dad playing or my brother,” Raynie reminisced. “I look up to them both, so I wanted to play ball just like them.”

Her father remains her biggest influence. “He pushes me to become a great player and an even better person.”

As the team gears up for the 2024 season, Raynie is optimistic about their chemistry. “This year, our team chemistry will be very strong,” she said confidently. “With the freshmen joining and everyone getting along, I think that will be the key to a successful season.”

Raynie sees herself as a leader on the team, focusing on positivity and keeping her teammates motivated and focused. “My specific role is to be a leader,” she said. “I prepare for this by trying to have a positive attitude, staying energized and making sure everyone stays locked in.”

Despite challenges like being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis last year, Raynie has persevered. “Being told I should stop playing sports was tough,” she reflected. “I overcame it by using this as motivation to push myself to do better and not letting this define who I am.”

Remembering on her past seasons, Raynie cherishes memories like the camaraderie with teammates and making strong relationships beyond the field. “Looking back, I am most proud of making strong relationships with my teammates and getting to know who they are outside of softball.”

Beyond softball, Raynie enjoys working out with her dad, playing wiffle ball with her brother and cherishing family time. Her future plans include playing collegiate softball at Southwestern Christian University and exploring ways to help others.

Through it all, Raynie is grateful for the support that fuels her passion. “I want to thank God for giving me this opportunity, my dad for being my number one fan, my family and friends for supporting me throughout my career and my two angels in heaven who are watching over me.”