McAlester’s Madison Lynch – Wrestling Spotlight – Presented by RibCrib

Madison Lynch: A Competitor at Heart, On and Off the Mat Some athletes grow up knowing exactly which sport they want to pursue, but for Madison Lynch, wrestling was a spontaneous decision. “I don’t really have an interesting story on how I started wrestling. I just went home one day and told my parents I […]
McAlester’s Juleymi Muñoz – Wrestling Spotlight – Presented by RibCrib

Juleymi Muñoz: Paving the Way for Girls Wrestling at McAlester Hard work is the foundation of success, and for Juleymi Muñoz, wrestling has taught her just how important discipline is in achieving her goals. “For me, I have had to discipline myself a lot—not just my diet or how much I work out, but to […]
McAlester’s Cleveland Williamson – Track Spotlight – Presented by First National Bank of McAlester

Cleveland Williamson: Jumping to Success For Cleveland Williamson, track and field wasn’t always the goal—it was simply a way to improve at football. “I originally started running track in seventh grade to get faster and continued it in eighth grade because I wanted to be fast enough for high school football,” he said. But what […]